
Vultisig respects your privacy

Privacy Policy

At Vultisig, safeguarding user privacy is paramount. We pledge to never store any user information unless explicitly provided by the user. The only information Vultisig may retain, following adequate disclosure to the user, includes:

ECDSA and EdDSA Public Keys: These keys may be associated with Vultisig vaults and can be utilized to derive on-chain addresses, which exposes address balances and other on-chain activities.

On-chain Transactions: Transactions involving the v0, vi, va affiliate may be logged for operational purposes.

Plausible Deniability

Absence of Proof: Vultisig ensures that no evidence is created or stored to ascertain that a public key provided by a user belongs to a Vultisig vault or that the user is a Vultisig user.

Transaction Privacy: Similarly, Vultisig guarantees that no evidence is generated or retained to confirm that an on-chain transaction involving the v0 affiliate originates from a Vultisig vault or a Vultisig user.

Information Never Stored

User Details: Vultisig refrains from storing any user-specific details, including IP addresses or real-world addresses, to uphold user privacy.

Vault Shares or Key Material: Vultisig will never retain any vault shares or key material.

Canary Statement

In the event of any alterations to this privacy policy, the canary statement will be removed as an indication of such changes.

By utilizing Vultisig, users acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Should you have any inquiries or concerns regarding privacy matters, please contact the developers in the Discord.

Last updated