Difference to Multi-Signatures

What is the difference between TSS and Multi Signatures?

The main difference between Threshold Signature Schemes (TSS) and Multi-Signatures (MS) lies in their approach to generating signatures. In TSS, the signature is created by combining vault shares using Zero-Knowledge Proofs, ensuring that no single private key is ever constructed. In contrast, MS involves multiple private keys, each contributing to the creation of the final signature.

Visualization Threshold Signatures

Visualization Multi-Signatures

Increasing the inconvenience of Multi-Signatures (MS) is the fact that lost keys cannot be re-shared, and funds often need to be migrated to maintain security, leading to lower redundancy.

Here is a comparison of different factors for TSS and MS:

FactorsThreshold Signature SchemeMulti-Signature

Private Key Storage

No private key is constructed; uses vault shares and Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Parties having multiple private keys

On-Chain Footprint

One Single Signature signing a Transaction on-chain

Multiple Signatures signing one Transaction; visible on-chain


High redundancy; lost shares can be re-shared and reconfigured

Low redundancy; lost keys require fund migration


Multi-Chain: ECDSA and EDDSA Support

Single Chain Support


Can adjust signing thresholds and replace lost devices

Fixed once created; each party having one private key

Adding participants

This comparison shows that flexibility and security prevail in TSS over MS, making it a better application for managing digital assets.

Last updated